COURSE PAYMENT – A registration fee in the amount of $25.00 will be charged to the STUDENT. This fee includes all required instructional materials, and needs to be paid prior to course completion. This registration fee includes all applicable sales tax.
HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS - The COURSE PROVIDER prescribes minimum hardware and software requirements for completing the course. Minimum browser requirements are the use of Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE) 9.0 or greater, Firefox, Google Chrome, or any other browsers that provide equal or greater functionality. In addition, earlier versions of MSIE (7.0 and 8.0) need to be equipped with Macromedia Flash Player 10.0 or greater. This plugin is entirely free and is made available on for download and installation. The browsers need to support Java and JavaScript. The minimum hardware required is such that it should be able to support the software configuration listed above. The course requires the use of a pointing device such as a mouse. The course recommends that the hardware be equipped with speakers. All students will go through the software evaluation after registration, but prior to the start of the course.
COURSE SCHEDULE –, hereafter referred to as the COURSE PROVIDER, offers a course composed of 11 training units spanning 6 hours of instruction.
The course will be available to the STUDENT 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This availability may be affected by circumstances such as, but not limited to: system, site or connectivity failure over which the COURSE PROVIDER has no control.
Julie Harris-Lawrence is the named instructor for this course.
GRADING AND PROGRESS POLICY – The STUDENT agrees that they may not be certified or given credit for the course unless they score 70% or higher on the each unit end quiz. Alternative testing techniques for students with reading, hearing or learning handicaps and policies for re-testing students who score less than 70% will be a) review of material; b) translation, if necessary or possible; and c) re-testing, verbally if necessary. You will be asked 50 content validation questions throughout the course.
The STUDENT agrees to complete all phases of the approved curriculum and provide a notary affidavit if necessary in order to receive a certificate of completion. Any time missed must be made up. The COURSE PROVIDER is prohibited from issuing a certificate of completion if the STUDENT has not met all the requirements for course completion and a STUDENT shall not accept a certificate under such circumstances.
The STUDENT may be required to pay fees to the COURSE PROVIDER if through no fault of the COURSE PROVIDER, the STUDENT requests a duplicate and/or reissue of the original certificate of completion. The COURSE PROVIDER will terminate, without notice, the enrollment of any student who has not successfully completed the course within 120 days from the date of registration. Additional fees may apply to continue a course after the initial 120 days has lapsed, or the student may be required to register as a new student.
Note: As per Texas law Chapter 176, Subchapter BB, 176.1117, Section 17 The fee for a duplicate uniform certificate of course completion is $10. If the student requests a duplicate within 120 days of the date of the original certificate because original was not received or was damaged so as to be unusable or was issued with errors due to no fault of the student, the COURSE PROVIDER shall issue the duplicate at no cost to the STUDENT. After 120 days from the date of the original certificate, no replacement certificates may be issued, and a student must register as a new student and complete the course to receive a certificate of completion.
CIRCUMVENTION WARNING - The STUDENT agrees that HE/SHE, and not any other person, will study the material in its entirety and complete the chapter quizzes. It is illegal to attempt to circumvent this online state-licensed course or provide false information. If the COURSE PROVIDER discovers that the STUDENT has willfully misrepresented himself or has cheated, the STUDENT will be stopped from taking the course with no refund of the registration fees. In addition, the STUDENT may be prosecuted for perjury and other criminal acts which are punishable by law.
CANCELLATION AND REFUND POLICIES - A full refund will be made to any student who cancels HIS/HER enrollment, in writing, before midnight of the third day, other than a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, after the date the enrollment contract is signed by the student, unless the student successfully completes the course. The COURSE PROVIDER will terminate, without notice, the enrollment of any student who has not successfully completed the course within 120 days from the date of registration. All registration fees paid are due and refundable when the course of instruction is discontinued by the COURSE PROVIDER prior to 120 days, preventing a student from completing the course, or the enrollment of the student was procured as a result of any misrepresentation in advertising, promotional materials of the COURSE PROVIDER, or representation made by the owner or employee of the COURSE PROVIDER. All refunds will be issued within 30 days following receipt of a permissible request for enrollment cancellation.
SURVEY SUBMISSIONS – After completion of the course, the COURSE PROVIDER may request information from STUDENT via surveys. Participation in these surveys is completely voluntary and you can skip the survey page. Survey information will be used for purposes of monitoring or improving the use and satisfaction of our site and for statistical purposes.
PRIVACY POLICY – The COURSE PROVIDER is the sole owner of the information collected on this site. The COURSE PROVIDER collects information from its users at several different points on the website. The COURSE PROVIDER will not use or sell this information to promote products or services unrelated to this driving safety course or in ways different from what is disclosed in the Privacy Policy.
REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES- The STUDENT represents and warrants that the user information and registration information provided by the STUDENT is true and correct, and acknowledges that the truth and accuracy of such information is a material inducement to the COURSE PROVIDER in permitting the STUDENT to enroll in the course. The STUDENT further acknowledges and agrees that any willful or intentional misrepresentation by the STUDENT regarding such user information or registration information constitutes a breach of this agreement and of the representations and warranties by the STUDENT as provided in this agreement, and may subject the STUDENT to liability for damages incurred by the COURSE PROVIDER as a result thereof, including but not limited to general, consequential, and punitive damages.
LIMITATION OF LIABILITY - The STUDENT acknowledges and agrees that the liability of the COURSE PROVIDER and their agents and employees for any act, omission to act, or negligence on the part of the COURSE PROVIDER and their agents and employees, is strictly limited to and shall not exceed the amount of the registration fee actually paid by the STUDENT.
The STUDENT understands that for student validation purposes, the COURSE PROVIDER will access one or more public databases in order to extract driver’s license and vehicle registration information. The STUDENT authorizes the COURSE PROVIDER to access this information under the condition that it be used for the exclusive purpose of student validation.
This agreement constitutes the entire contract between the COURSE PROVIDER and the STUDENT, and any oral assurances or promises not contained herein shall not bind the COURSE PROVIDER or the STUDENT. If any provision of this agreement is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable, the remaining terms and conditions shall nevertheless be of full force and effect. The STUDENT further acknowledges that any grievances not resolved by the COURSE PROVIDER may be forwarded to Driver Training, Texas Education Agency, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas, 78701, (512) 936-6777.