Verification Failure

We are sorry to inform you, 4 Personal Validation Questions have been answered incorrectly.

By Texas Education Agency requirements, any student who has incorrectly answered more than 30% of the allotted Personal Validation Questions must be excluded from the course.

You can have your access to the course restored by submitting a notarized Student Affidavit, which will serve as an alternate verification of your identity. Once we receive your completed and notarized Student Affidavit, we will restore your access to the course and send you a confirmation via email.

You can download the Student Affidavit here:

**Be sure to complete the Affidavit, attach a copy of your driver’s license, and have it notarized before returning it to us.**


You can submit your completed Student Affidavit:

By email: [email protected]

By regular mail:
Attn: Student Verification
20403 FM 529 Suite 250
Cypress, TX 77433