Don’t Be Fooled


While other defensive driving courses charge an extra $20 or more to “expedite” the processing of your Driver Record. Texas drivers can order their Driver Record online, directly from DPS, and print it out immediately for only $10.00.

Simply follow the steps below:

  1. Go to
  2. Follow the printing requirement checklist
  3. Install Adobe Reader if necessary
  4. Perform Print Test
  5. Check Adobe acknowledgement and Continue
  6. Create Login
  7. Request a Type 3A Certified Driver Record (The cost is $10.00)
  8. Review order and make payment
  9. Print Driver Record

That’s it…you’re done! You now have a certified copy of your Driver Record, accepted by Texas courts for Defensive Driving Courses (DDC).

Just some friendly advice from

Optimized For All Internet Ready Devices


Today, the Web is accessible from almost everywhere.  Our desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones, allow us to access content anywhere, anytime we have an internet connection. This also means that there is a need to show content in many ways, optimized to different environments.

A recent Google Survey found that we frequently move between our devices to meet our primary needs.

At, your convenience is a priority to us, so we want you to have access to your course from all of your internet ready devices. You don’t have to be stuck in your office or home in front of a desktop computer. You can complete the, Driver Safety Course from anywhere, anytime!

Stay Alert While Driving!


Human beings are prone to operating on “autopilot”, especially on familiar roads. Our minds wander from operating our vehicle to other things, such as work related issues, our children’s after school activities, what to cook for dinner, etc… It is virtually impossible to keep this from occurring, but it is vitally important to recognize it when it is happening, and bring our attention back to the task of driving as quickly as possible. Another way drivers become distracted is by modern technology. From our cellphones, to our tablets, to extravagant in dash navigation and entertainment systems… there are so many new distractions in our vehicles, it’s a wonder we are capable of driving at all.

One of the most important aspects of defensive driving is recognizing impending hazards BEFORE they become a problem. Early recognition allows the time you need to avoid trouble. Therefore, keeping your eyes on the road, and your attention focused on the task of driving, will dramatically improve your safety, and the safety of those around you.

Stay “Alert” my friend… We look forward to seeing you driving “Safely” in Texas.

This has been another weekly “Driver’s Safety” update from



Back to School Driving Tips from TxDOT


Tips for Driving in School Zones

  • Put away your cell phone. Cell phone use is banned in active school zones, and violators face fines of up to $200 in school zones where signs are posted.
  • Always obey school zone speed limit signs. Remember, traffic fines usually double in school zones.
  • Drop off and pick up your children in your school’s designated areas, not the middle of the street.
  • Keep an eye on children gathered at bus stops.
  • Be alert for children who might dart across the street or between vehicles on their way to school.

Tips for Children Walking or Biking to School

  • Always cross at intersections and designated crosswalks. Look left, right and then left again before proceeding.
  • Look for traffic when stepping off a bus or from behind parked cars.
  • Make eye contact with drivers before crossing the street.
  • Always obey crossing guards.
  • Always wear a helmet when riding a bicycle.

Tips for Sharing the Road with School Buses

  • Always stop for flashing red lights on a school bus, regardless of which direction you’re headed.
  • If you are on the other side of a divided highway, you do not have to stop for a bus with flashing red lights, but please still use caution as children are around.
  • School buses stop at all railroad crossings, so be prepared to stop if you are behind a bus.
  • Watch for children who might run across the street as they get on or off the bus.

This has been another weekly update from, to help you stay safe while driving in Texas.




Just When You Thought You Couldn’t Save Any More Money… Drive Down Your Car Insurance Rates With An Online Defensive Driving Course Premium Reduction…

Texas Defensive Driver Discount

If your policy is rated for the state of Texas, you could save up to 10% off of your insurance premiums by taking a certified defensive driving course. One of the easiest ways to take advantage of this discount is through an online defensive driving course offered by

Exercise your rights to reduce your premiums TODAY!

This has been another weekly update by

We look forward to seeing you at the intersection of SAFE and DRIVERS!

Maintain your Vehicle


A good friend of mine recently brought up the topic of vehicle maintenance, and suggested that many of today’s drivers are unprepared for preventative and ongoing vehicle maintenance. At first I disagreed; however, in a short amount of time, I began to see his reasoning and the necessity to shift that paradigm. If you are not mechanically inclined, there may not be much you can do to check your brakes, but you can certainly find a shop within a few miles, that offers brake and/or tire change/repair services. Don’t scrimp to save money on tires or brakes. Buy quality tires you can count on and don’t let anyone install cheap brake parts… your life depends on them. Check your coolant level on a regular basis. Make sure to have the cooling system serviced according to the manufacturer’s schedule. If you let your cooling system go too long without service, the coolant loses its alkaline nature and becomes more acidic, which can quickly lead to a breakdown of engine parts. Clanking and rattling can mean you have a steering problem. Whirring or shrieking noises under the hood can mean you’re about to lose a water pump, a power steering pump, or maybe a belt or two. When you hear a noise, get it checked. Waiting to see what happens next can mean lots of extra dollars spent.  Most times, an early repair means LESS needs to BE repaired. Check the oil levels on a regular basis, and make sure you keep good quality, fresh oil in the vehicle. Have your oil and oil filter changed as often as the manufacturer requires. Pay attention to your car’s needs and you will save dollars, and potentially lives! This has been another weekly update from, and we look forward to seeing you driving SAFELY in Texas.

Wear your seat belt!

10_2 Tip of the week: Wear your seat belt!

Wearing your seat belt, does much more than prevent you from getting a “no seat belt” ticket… It may prevent injury or even death during a serious accident or rollover. Without a doubt, seat belts are the most significant safety device ever invented.

Seat belts provide several driver’s safety precautions. They provide impact protection, they absorb crash forces, and they keep you from being thrown from the vehicle.

The Centers for Disease Control reports that seat belts reduce serious crash-related injuries and deaths by over 50%.

Bottom line, the benefits of wearing your seat belt, are much greater than the hassles of wearing them. Click-it and save a life!

Choosing an Online Defensive Driving Course

There are two main reasons most people take a defensive driving course in Texas, ticket dismissal and insurance rate reduction. Defensive driving courses are mandated to last six hours, and so many people are now opting to take the course online. The advantages are that you can take it at home, on your computer, and at your own pace. It still requires six hours of coursework, but in most cases, you can take up to 90 days to complete it.

Method 1 – Taking the course to dismiss a traffic ticket:

  1. Request permission from the court to take the course. You have until the appearance date shown on the ticket to make the request. This can usually be done in person or by mail. Contact the court indicated on your ticket.
  1. Prepare your information to mail or to take in to the court. Most courts will require the following information:
  • Admission of guilt or signed statement that you do not contest the citation.
  • Proof of a valid Texas driver’s license
  • Court administrative fee (varies by court)
  • Copy of your insurance policy
  1. Find a course online. The simplest way is to type “defensive driving + online + Texas” into your favorite search engine. That will give you many choices. But, make sure the company you select is accepted by the State of Texas. Defensive driving courses in Texas are overseen by the Texas Education Agency. All of these courses must last a minimum of six hours. If you find one that says it doesn’t last six hours, it’s definitely too good to be true. Pick a course that is engaging, offers video clips and look for good deals, such as FREE Narration. A narrated course will allow you to multi-task or do other hands-free activities while you comfortably listen to your course work. We highly recommend
  1. When you finish your defensive driving course you will receive a Certificate of Completion. You will need to turn this certificate into the court that oversees your case. From the time you receive permission to take the course, you will normally have 90 days to turn in the certificate. Many online defensive driving courses allow you up to 90 days to take the course. You can log on and off at your discretion. But be sure to be done and have your paperwork in by the due date.

Method 2 – Taking the course for insurance premium reduction:

  1. Make sure your insurance company accepts a defensive driving class as a way to reduce your insurance costs.
  1. Pick an online course. Follow step “3” above.
  1. When you finish your defensive driving course you will receive a Certificate of Completion. Send that certificate to your insurance company to receive your premium discount(s).